Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are one of the most preferred dental procedures of all time. With the help of laminate veneers, everyone can smile the way that they have always desired to. This means that insecurities regarding one’s teeth are eradicated with the help of porcelain laminate veneers.
But what is it that we mean by porcelain laminate veneers? How do they work? To find out more about this type of dental procedure, keep reading.
What Is Porcelain Veneers Treatment?
Porcelain veneers are very thin shells that help to fix the imperfections of one’s smile. They may help to solve many different oral problems such as worn enamels and uneven teeth. Furthermore, they can also help to fix other types of problems that arise from one’s teeth, like speech impediments. With their long life and easy application, porcelain veneers are some of the most preferred treatments in dentistry.
How Are Porcelain Veneers Put on Your Teeth?
The procedure of a porcelain laminate veneer application is mostly painless and easy. Because, unlike dental crowns the eradication of teeth is not a requirement. For treatment, it is sufficient to prepare only the front-facing sides of the teeth. So, the pain is minimal. A rough explanation of this operation is as follows:
- First, the patient meets with the doctor to discuss their views and wishes on veneers.
- The patient should be able to ask everything that is on his/her mind at this stage.
- If there are any bacteria-inducing defects in the teeth, your dentist gets rid of them.
- After treatment, the teeth are measured, and the surface of the teeth is minimally eradicated.
- Where the making of the porcelain veneers takes place.
In the case of porcelain laminate veneers, the patient has the chance to look at them once they arrive back from the laboratory and choose whether to keep them or return them. If there are any details of the teeth that the patient dislikes, like the coloration or the shape, then the veneer is sent back to be fixed. After the patient approves of the veneer, it is applied to the teeth with a very strong adhesive.
Types of Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers may vary according to the manufacturers. To make an informed decision about the type of veneer you will be getting, it might be essential to understand the differences between the different types of porcelain veneers.
Composite material veneers
Mostly done in only one appointment. Also, they can be utterly breakable and serve the purpose of a temporary solution.
Pressed ceramic veneers
This type of veneer is thicker than usual, mostly preferred by those who have the unhealthy habit of grinding their teeth.
Leucite-reinforced pressed ceramic veneers
Being one of the strongest types of veneers, leucite-reinforced pressed ceramic veneers might be thinner than the alternatives.
Lithium disilicate veneers:
This type of veneer is more well-built than all the other alternatives, but they are not as aesthetically pleasing as the others.
To find out the best option for your specific conditions, the best is to consult your doctor directly. You can even ask for a porcelain veneer before and after pictures from your dentist to make a decision.
Professional dentists at Medical Dental Turkey have the expertise to know which type of veneer a patient should invest in.
How Much Do Porcelain Veneers Cost?
The answer to this question can vary due to several different factors, such as the equipment used in the procedure and the experience of the doctor. The number of teeth that the procedure is going to take place is also another factor that contributes to the difference in price. In terms of European and American countries, the price generally ranges between $900 to $2500.
How Long Does Porcelain Veneers Take?
More than one appointment is required in terms of treatment. Therefore, the processing time may exceed a week. But it lasts only a few hours. The number of appointments also changes if the patient decides to change the look of the veneers, then the veneer is sent back, and consequently, the longevity of the porcelain veneer procedure also changes.
How Long Does Porcelain Veneers Last?
The treatment may last 10 to 15 years, provided that the patient takes good care of them. After their lifespan is over, the patient can visit the dentist who performed the procedure and have them attached once again.
If the porcelain veneer is beyond saving, It's possible to make a new one according to the needs of the patient.
What Is the Difference Between Composite Bonding and Porcelain Veneers?
So far, we have only talked about porcelain veneers, but you might have also heard about composite bonding as an alternative to this method. The difference between the two main stems from their respective materials.
Composite bonding is generally made from resin, so this treatment is usually not as durable as porcelain veneers. Furthermore, unlike porcelain veneers, composite bonding can stain. This is the chief reason why composite bonding is seen by many people as a less expensive alternative to porcelain veneer treatment.
Another difference is that possible to use composite bonding for different aesthetical purposes as getting rid of teeth gaps while porcelain veneers can transform the look of the tooth. A professional in this field can decide on the best alternative for your particular case. Therefore, talking to your doctor about whether you should get a veneer or composite bonding is essential.
What Are Advantages and Risks of Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain veneers are easy to maintain and pretty to look at, so there are not many risks that come with the treatment. In some cases, they might cause tooth sensitivity. Furthermore, if the procedure is done in a non-professional setting, it might cause bacteria to pool behind the veneer, causing great pain.
It is possible to prevent most of the risks with professional help. Advantages of this treatment outweigh the risks of it. Some of the advantages of this operation are:
- Natural-looking teeth
- Fixed smile
- Easy maintenance
- Stain resistance
Therefore, porcelain veneers may help one to regain the confidence that one lost due to dental issues.
Advantages of Porcelain Veneers in Turkey?
There are so many different clinics where veneer treatment can be done. Turkey is one of the places where one can get this treatment done. It is generally advantageous to have a porcelain veneer in Turkey as you can benefit from high-technology equipment and experienced dentists. For porcelain veneers Turkey is one of the best choices.
Medical Dental Turkey is located in Antalya, one of the best tourism destination close to Europe. As a dental clinic, we facilitate accommodation and transfer transactions for our customers and offer vacation and treatment opportunities.
While offering accessible prices for every budget Medical Dental Turkey aims to help you with your dental problems. With a great team of expert dentists, we can easily aid you through all these processes.
How Much Does Porcelain Veneers Cost in Antalya,Turkey?
One of the questions regarding this treatment is the cost. Many people search for “porcelain veneers cost Turkey” before getting the procedure done. The costs of the treatment can vary, but generally, the price ranges between $250-$300. Speaking directly to your doctor about the cost of such treatments would be the most ideal way of getting information about it.
Porcelain Veneers - FAQ
How Often Should Porcelain Veneers be Replaced?
They can last a long time, but it is important to have a dentist check-up on your veneers once in six months.
Do Porcelain Veneers Break Easily?
They are very strong and they rarely break.
Can Porcelain Veneers Last a Lifetime?
They can last for 10 to 15 years provided that its hygiene is prioritized.
Is the Procedure Reversible?
Although the procedure cannot be reversed, you might opt for a temporary veneer.
Do Porcelain Veneers Stain with Tea, Coffee, or Red Wine?
Porcelain veneers do not hold stains. This means that you do not have to worry about staining your teeth when you are consuming your favorite foods and drinks!
Should I Choose Composite Bonding or Porcelain Veneers?
Composite bonding is a faster and more affordable option for minor aesthetic changes, but it may not last as long as porcelain veneers.
Porcelain veneers may be the preferred option if your teeth are spaced, broken, stained, or if you have problems with grinding or clenching your teeth.