What is gappy teeh (diastema)?
Gappy teeth can usually be seen at any age. This gap between teeth is also called diastema and is usually seen more between the front two teeth. Although these problems are aesthetic, they can sometimes be associated with gum problems. Treatment options include dental bonding, porcelain veneers, and braces. These gaps, which are common in children, usually close on their own when the permanent teeth emerge.

Diastema (gaps between teeth) can affect the aesthetics of a smile and can also have negative consequences on oral health. Since they can cause problems such as food accumulation and gum sensitivity, methods such as interdental brushes or water floss can be used to clean the gaps.
Gaps between teeth can be corrected with orthodontic aligners, braces, or other aesthetic dental treatments. Treating gaps between teeth provides significant benefits both in terms of aesthetics and visual appearance, as well as oral health.
Who do gappy teeth (diastema) affect?
A gappy tooth affects both children and adults. This condition is more common in children, and when their permanent (adult) teeth emerge, the spaces between their teeth can close.
Median or midline diastema (a gap between the two front teeth) is more common in certain locations and races. For example, black people are more likely to have gaps in their front teeth than others.
Symptoms and causes of gappy teeth
Gaps between teeth are called diastemas and are usually a noticeable cosmetic condition. If your gums are healthy, these gaps are not expected to cause any other symptoms. However, if gum disease accompanies these gaps, symptoms such as redness, swelling or pain may occur.
Causes of gappy teeth
Hereditary factors play an important role in the formation of gappy teeth. It can be seen frequently in family members and close relatives. It can also be seen more in black races than in other races. The following reasons may also be effective:
Jaw and tooth size mismatch
If your jawbone is larger than your teeth, this can lead to gaps.
Missing or small teeth
Missing or smaller than normal teeth can cause the surrounding teeth to move and create gaps.
Frenulum problems
If the tissue that connects the lip and gum (frenulum) is very large and thick, it can prevent the front teeth from coming together and the two front teeth from closing.
Thumb sucking or excessive use of pacifiers in children can cause gaps in the upper teeth.
It can also be seen in people who press the tongue against the palate while swallowing, which is called the false swallowing reflex. Over time, it turns into a type of reflex called the tongue thrust reflex, which puts pressure on the front teeth. As a result, it can push the front teeth forward and create gaps between them.
Gum disease
Gum disease that affects the jawbone can weaken the support structure of the teeth, causing them to move and create distances between them.
Gaps between teeth may not be aesthetically pleasing, but they can be a sign of gum disease or a bite problem. Therefore, it is important to have gaps evaluated by a dentist.
Treatment of gappy teeth
Gaps between teeth can be closed with a variety of treatment options, depending on the situation. Treatment methods vary depending on whether the gaps are an aesthetic problem or related to gum disease.
Cosmetic treatments
Composite dental bonding
Composite resin material applied to the teeth fills the gaps with a natural appearance and gives shape to the teeth. It is especially ideal for small gaps between the front teeth.
It is also recommended for people with discoloration in their teeth or those with decayed or broken teeth for any reason, and for those who need to lengthen their teeth for an aesthetic smile.
Porcelain veneers
Porcelain veneers are very thin shells that help correct aesthetic defects in a person's smile. They are preferred in solving many different oral and dental problems such as gaps between teeth, worn enamel and irregular teeth. Porcelain veneers can perfectly close the gap between teeth thanks to their easy application and long-term use.
Dental crowns
Dental crowns are coverings that are placed over the defective tooth and are in the shape and color of the tooth. It is a cap that is placed over the tooth to repair a tooth that has been damaged for various reasons, to close gaps by increasing the size of the teeth, and to protect the tooth after restoration. Since they are highly customizable, they greatly help patients achieve the most natural-looking smile. They are strong, durable, and aesthetically pleasing.
Dental implants
They offer a radical solution for gaps caused by missing teeth. Implants are placed on titanium screws that mimic the natural tooth root. Dental implants, also called screw-on teeth, such as all on 4 or all on 6 implants are considered the best and most permanent aesthetic treatment to replace missing teeth.
Dental bridges
They provide a functional solution by being fixed to the surrounding teeth in the gaps caused by missing teeth. In order to make a bridge between your missing or spaced teeth, your teeth on both sides must be healthy.
Orthodontics (Dental braces)
They close wide gaps by physically aligning the teeth. Orthodontics braces slowly strengthen and align the teeth with adjustments made at certain intervals. With this treatment, the patient's smile also changes positively. Metal braces apply pressure to your teeth and gradually shift them to the appropriate direction. Thus, the gaps between your teeth gradually decrease.
Invisalign (Clear aligners)
Invisalign helps align patients' teeth and closes the gappy teeth. It works similarly to braces, but as the name suggests, these almost invisible devices slowly bring the teeth together. Although not completely invisible, they are still mostly hidden. Being removable provides convenience for patients. Clear aligner is more commonly preferred by patients who do not want to have the appearance of braces on their teeth but still want to benefit from dental alignment treatment and close the gaps in their teeth.
Frenulumectomy is a procedure that treats tongue tie in babies. Tongue tie is a condition that limits tongue movements in babies. In cases where the frenulum between the lip and gum is excessively large, surgical removal of this tissue can help eliminate gappy teeth.
Treatment planning and selection
Your dentist determines the most appropriate treatment method depending on the size and cause of the gappy teeth. For example, if you want to close the gaps due to aesthetic concerns, veneers, bonding or plates may be preferred. Larger gaps may require orthodontic treatment.
Treating gaps between teeth is not only an aesthetic appearance, but also important in terms of protecting the health of your teeth and jaw. Gaps due to gum disease in particular can be a sign of more serious problems and should definitely be evaluated by a specialist.
Gum disease treatments for gappy teeth (diastema)
The first step in the treatment of gappy teeth caused by gum disease is to treat periodontitis. There are different treatment methods such as scaling and root planing, gum surgery to remove hardened plaque above and below the gums. After the periodontic treatments are finished, other treatment methods can be applied to you.
Scaling and root planing
In periodontist disease, an in-depth scaling and root planing treatment is performed to remove tartar and plaque accumulation. Scaling and root planing treatment is similar to professional teeth cleaning, but this treatment penetrates deeper into the gums and performs a more detailed cleaning. Scaling and root planing is a non-surgical treatment. It is usually the first treatment for those with mild to moderate periodontal disease.
It also makes the tooth surfaces cleaner and makes it easier to keep them clean with flossing and brushing. This process reduces gingivitis, which causes gappy teeth, and helps eliminate disease-causing bacteria.
Gum surgery
If you have advanced periodontitis, gum surgery may be necessary to reconstruct the gums. In this operation, the gums are meticulously removed while the tooth roots and surrounding tissues are cleaned. After cleaning, the gums are positioned and sutured for healing.
This procedure is done to reduce gum inflammation, remove infected tissue and prevent bone loss. Gum flap surgery restores gum health and prevents gappy teeth. Bone grafting may also be done if there is bone loss around your teeth.
Once the gum infection has been successfully treated, you can choose one of the other treatment options to close the gaps between the teeth
Preventing gappy teeth
Gappy teeth cannot be completely prevented, but their likelihood of occurrence can be reduced by taking precautions.
Some gap between in teeth cannot be completely prevented because they are caused by genetic factors or a mismatch between the jaw and tooth sizes. However, if good oral and dental health is provided and regular dentist check-ups are performed, the risk of developing gappy teeth can be reduced.
Controlling the habit of thumb sucking in children is important in preventing the formation of gappy in the teeth in the future. Because excessive thumb sucking can indirectly trigger gaps. In addition, developing correct swallowing reflexes can prevent the tongue from pressing on the teeth and prevent the expansion of gapp in teeth.
In conclusion, paying attention to oral and dental health, regular tooth brushing and flossing reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth loss, indirectly preventing the formation of gappy teeth. In cases where gum disorders such as redness, swelling or bleeding are detected early, it is important to see a dentist.